Patent Pending
  An ePublishing marketplace for journalism, ideas and expertise.
News Hubs
The Beats

Accountability through Credibility Ratings

Consumers of news and information in the Watchdog City marketplace are asked to hold journalists and bloggers accountable by providing credibility ratings related to Watchdog CityTM standards. We also ask all members of the Watchdog City online community marketplace to report copyright violations and abusive violations of Watchdog City standards.

All Watchdog City participants agree that they won't undermine the market by plagiarism or sharing or redistributing content so others don't have to pay.

Participation in the Watchdog City Marketplace is a privilege. Watchdog City can terminate account privileges and participation in its sole discretion if it believes a  member is not complying with the letter and the spirit of marketplace rules and standards.

We believe that honesty and transparency can prevail in a self-regulating marketplace. We appreciate your participation. For more information on reporting abuse, see our Copyright Patrol & Abuse page. Watchdog City Journalists must also follow the Watchdog City Journalists Code of Ethics.

When you evaluate stories sold by Watchdog City Journalists for other news consumers, you help us protect journalism's core values. 

When you evaluate work sold by Watchdog City BloggersTM, you help the best rise to the top and continuously improve this marketplace for ideas.

Rating a Watchdog City Journalist or Blogger

When you buy a story — print, video, audio or images — you can then leave feedback for a Watchdog City Journalist or Blogger in the credibility rating system. You'll find links to leave feedback ratings in the "My Account" area for registered users. You have the opportunity to leave a comment and provide either a positive or negative review.

You also have the opportunity to provide in-depth credibility ratings and rate the journalist or blogger on a scale from 1 to 100. As a content seller, you have the opportunity to respond to negative feedback. The credibility rating categories are shown to the right.

Credibility Rating
Criteria for Journalists

Has credibility: Tests accuracy by using multiple sources, does not plagiarize, does not lie or deal falsely with subjects of news coverage or audience, avoids anonymous sources.

Is balanced and objective: Diligently seeks response to allegations of wrongdoing from people or groups covered in news stories. Distinguishes between advocacy and news reporting. Clearly labels analysis and opinion.

Shows respect: Is compassionate and sensitive to people affected by news coverage such juveniles and crime victims

Acts with independence: Avoids conflicts of interests, refuses fees and favors and shuns political involvement and employment that may compromise journalistic integrity.

Is a watchdog: Vigilantly holds those in power accountable and defends the public's right to know.

Credibility Rating
Criteria for Bloggers

When you buy content from bloggers, you can leave a positive or negative comment and rate them on the following in-depth credibility criteria.

Is accurate: Does not lie. Supports statements made on Watchdog City with credible sources of information. Does not deal falsely with audience.

Does not plagiarize: Does not steal the work of others and does not copy, redistribute, share or otherwise violate copyright laws by allowing others to read view or consume paid content on Watchdog City without first paying.

Shows respect: Does not use obscene language, ethnic or racial slurs or epithets. Does not seek to promote violence or criminal activity.

Is artful: Seeks excellence in craft and demonstrates a high regard for producing quality work.