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The Beats

John Wix

I first became interested in journalism when I said to myself, "Well Wix, you're a good writer, but what are you actually going to do with that?" Science fiction and five-paragraph expository essays are one thing, though, while journalistic writing is quite another. Unless you're a columnist. I might still become a columnist...

I discovered a passion for nature videography when my Audio/Visual Journalism professor handed me an expensive camera kit and told me not to drop it in a swamp. I immediately ran straight to the nearest swamp and only dropped some of the equipment.

Since that fateful day when I switched my major from "English" to "Journalism," the wisdom of that decision has fluctuated wildly in the face of dull political beats, scoop deadlines, and copious legalese. Yet each time I begin to lose hope, I get that shot, or I'm handed that all-entitling press pass, or meet that source who welcomes me inside his or her world. Those are moments you don't get in any other field of writing--real, visceral moments that make you feel like you have a purpose.

Poetry out of the way, I'm John Marshall Wix III, Florida Gulf Coast University student, Golden Gate High School alumni, Rockville born, Kensington raised, and Naples matured. You can contact me with any questions or comments at

Work History

Title: Reporting Fellow
Organization: Watchdog City
From: May 2013
To: September 2013
Job Description: Journalism intern, currently studying at FGCU.