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Cathy Zollo

Cathy Zollo is a national award winning journalist who took first place honors from the Scripps Howard Foundation and second from the Society of Environmental Journalists for "Deep Trouble: The Gulf in Peril," a 15-part series on the condition of the Gulf of Mexico for which she was lead writer.
The series, which was made into a book and a PBS documentary, was also a finalist for an award from Investigative Reporters and Editors and submitted for Pulitzer consideration by the Naples Daily News and other groups.
It drew attention to the myriad threats facing the Gulf and the world's oceans in general put Zollo at the forefront of an issue that is just now receiving widespread coverage.
Zollo has also investigated and covered stories from almost every beat at a newspaper, including crime and courts, politics, military and veteran’s affairs, health and science and state and local government.
She has:

● investigated and exposed insurance fraud perpetrated by government contractors and examined the governmental policies and industry practices that allow workers compensation fraud to be perpetrated by some of the largest contractors in the state.

●investigated and exposed coordinated efforts to dumb down the science behind what causes red tide and called scientists to task for churning research to gain funding rather than seeking real solutions that might put an end to their work.
●investigated and exposed campaign finance money trails linking politicians to the special interests for which they consistently vote.
● investigated and exposed internal strife among high ups in the National Hurricane Center, including its then-Chief Bill Proenza, who criticized his bosses for spending millions on an image building campaign while cutting funding for crucial hurricane research.
●investigated and exposed efforts by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to sidestep Clean Water Act requirements and rewrite pollution thresholds that declared dirty waters “clean.”
Zollo has won journalism awards on the state level from the Texas Associated Press Managing Editors and the Texas Medical Association as well as the Florida Society of Newspaper Editors and the Florida Press Club. She was on the team that won the 1997 Texas APME award for investigative journalism for the expose on sex offenders: "Deliver Us from Evil" and another series on the effects of physical, emotional and sexual abuse on early childhood development.
Zollo started her journalism career after working as a high school English teacher, a children's protective services investigator and caseworker and serving in the United States Marine Corps.

Work History

Title: Science Writer
Organization: Sarasota Herald Tribune
From: May 2005
To: March 2009
Job Description: Covered the science beat. Wrote about hurricanes and water issues. Covered some local and city stories.
Title: Staff Writer
Organization: The Naples Daily News
From: December 1999
To: May 2005
Job Description: General Assignments reporter. Covered environmental and political issues. Broke numerous local stories as well as ones of state and national importance. Was lead writer on the 15-part "Gulf in Peril" series that won the 2003 Meeman Award, as well as second place from the Society of Environmental Journalists. national and state awards.
Title: Staff Writer
Organization: The Wichita Falls Times Record News
From: March 1997
To: December 1999
Job Description: Covered cop beat, then city and county and military beats. Was on the team that won the 1997 Texas APME award for investigative journalism.